Works Of Mercy

“If a brother or sister has nothing to wear, and has no food for the day, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, keep warm and eat well,” but you do not give them the necessities of the body, what good is it? So also faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” James 2: 15-17

Women hugging

There is much poverty here on the Mexican Border. The poor come to us for food. Often a friendly greeting and a listening ear is just as important. We offer prayer for those who are open to it. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, we have seen the need for food in El Paso grow to over 1 in 5 El Pasoans.  While the numbers in need have grown, the distribution systems we previously relied on have been reduced.

After much prayer and discernment, Open Arms has had to change how we support the community. As of October 2023, our focus going forward will be to the homebound.  Those that have no way to pick up food and are also in need of prayer and fellowship.

Those who are in need and have transportation, we refer them to El Pasoans Fighting Hunger.  They have a schedule that shows all the pickup locations in El Paso.  We hope in the future to partner with them but at this time we do not have the volunteers or space needed.  If you are in need of food assistance, go to their web site: .  Click on the schedule and go to any one of the locations listed; they will be able to register you and provide food.

Food donations are gratefully accepted at the Open Arms center and are used to supplement the food provided to the homebound.

In-kind Donations such as household goods, clothes, or furniture are given to the needy or sold in our thrift store to help support ongoing operating costs.  Volunteers are always welcome!

We pray daily that the Lord will continue to sustain us in this work, but we constantly need extra funds. Will you help? These are our brothers and sisters in need.  Any donation, small or large, is gratefully accepted.

Children with elderly womanVolunteers unloading truck

Volunteers doing Works of Mercy
Is the Lord calling you to help support His Works of Mercy here on the Border? Contact us for information or click on Donations to help now! (Designate Food Bank when you give.)