Originated and managed by Open Arms Community of El Paso, the event has been celebrated for over fifty years in locations such as Loretto High Gymnasium, Las Alas Center, and the El Paso Civic Center. Speakers in the past have included Mother Angelica (founder of EWTN), Father Robert DeGrandis, Sister Briege McKenna, Jim Murphy, Robert Canton, and many other powerful figures in the Catholic Renewal. This year’s featured speakers are Maria Vadia and Barbara Heil.
Maria has a worldwide ministry of teaching, preaching and healing prayer. She has traveled to over 30 nations with a message of salvation and healing. She is Founder of the “Jesus Is Lord” Chapter of Magnificat in Miami and is also connected with Glory House of Miami, a safe haven for human traffic victims.
Barbara, a Catholic Convert, is a gifted teacher, preacher, and prayer leader. Her wide ministry experience includes living in Hong Kong, preaching in Asia, living in Jerusalem, and serving on staff at a street mission in San Diego, ministering to homeless during the Aids epidemic.
Both of these women have strong testimonies and anointed gifts of the Spirit. Both can be found on the internet for more information.
Friday, October 25
7-10 PM Prayer and Praise & Talks by each of our speakers
Saturday, October 26
9AM-5PM, All day with breaks between sessions
7:00 PM Healing Service
Ticket Prices: Adult $40, Married Couple $70, & Youth $25
Registration by phone: 915-595-0589 (T-F, 10am-3pm)